2 min read

Cloud Storage For Personal Use

Cloud storage is one of the modern-day facilities that enable us to take our Data wherever we go
Cloud Storage For Personal Use

In 2021, where do you store your files? I hope you're not still stuck with your computer hard disk at home!

It lacks resilience (you could lose data should the hard drive fail), isn't flexible as well. Meaning, you can't access the data while on the move. It is time to move your storage to cloud storage if you haven't looked at it yet.

I mainly use Dropbox and Google Drive and I'm sure in some fashion every user on the earth might be using Google Drive for most of their photos without even realizing it. That is, if you have an android phone, chances are you are storing your photos, Gmail, etc on google drive.


The founder of dropbox was in the habit of forgetting his USB disks regularly while studying at MIT. To mitigate that he came up with this solution and later it became one of the very original cloud storage solutions (in 2007). Dropbox offers a free tier of 2 GB free account, per user and I find it very useful interchangeably between my Macbook Pro, Android, and iPhone devices. Generally, you could store all the documents, files, etc which you would want to have access to when you're on the go.


Google Drive is not only the famous storage solution that integrates well with all your devices but it is also one of the cheaper ones.

  • $1.99/month for 100 GB => This is like 140 Rs/Month in India.
  • $6.99/month for 1 TB (1000 GBs)
  • $9.99/month for 6 TB (6000 GBs)

I use a lot of storage on the Google drive with photos and other stuff stored, with Google's free tier. Google generally offers a 15GB/User free tier and you're free to use. I use it for as long as I could remember back in time. The main advantage is the way it is tightly coupled with the Android ecosystem and in fact, I also store the photos from my iPhone as well there. You could also pick and choose the quality of the photos (more quality more storage).

There, these are the two best cloud storage options that I use personally. You could even go premium based on your storage needs with either of these folks.